JEE 2025- Registration, Fees, Eligibility, Exam Pattern & Syllabus:
IIT JEE is a public level designing placement test comprising of two phases – JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE, Main is a screening test to choose the up-and-comers who will be qualified to show up for JEE advanced, which will fill in as end of the year test to choose possibility for entrance into esteemed IITs. Consistently, the IITs lead a Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) to choose possibility for the 4-year B.Tech. B.Pharm, 5-year B.Arch, Integrated M.Sc. also M.Tech courses.
The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are the loftiest foundations in India that deal designing and innovative schooling of universally perceived norm of greatness. Throughout the long term, IITs have made a-list instructive stage that is, supported through quality educating and universally acclaimed research with astounding framework and the best accessible personalities. Graduated class of IITs possess key positions, both in India and abroad. As of now, there are 23 IITs across India.
Understudies emerging from the IITs are, known to have gained proficient greatness throughout everyday life.
Here, findmecollege has laid down below, a detailed structure of IIT JEE, including its registration process, exam fees, eligibility, exam pattern as well as syllabus:

- Applicants need to apply online on the authority site of NTA for the JEE Main assessment. Competitors are encouraged to really look at the means for JEE Main enlistment.
- Stage 1: Visit the authority site of NTA – www.nta.ac.in
- Step 2: Go to the designing tab – JEE Main
- Step 3: another page will be shown – www.jeemain.nic.in
- Step 4: On the landing page, click on the connection Apply JEE (Main)
- Step 5: Candidates will track down two tabs – Fresh Candidate Registration and Registered Candidates
- Step 6: Candidates are encouraged to enrol through Aadhaar number
- Step 7: Fill the web-based application structure
- Step 8: Verify the versatile number and email ID
- Step 9: Pay the recommended application expense.
- Stage 10: Complete the opening booking. Stage 11: Submit the subtleties and print the affirmation page.
- The application charge might be paid by either Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking or e-challan created during the internet filling of the application structure involving on the web instalment passage office in State Bank of India.
- The NTA has given a choice to amend the mix-ups made in the JEE Main application structure. Competitors can benefit the remedy office just to the restricted fields. Candidates need to utilize their login qualifications to roll out the improvements in JEE Main application.
- General class up comer probably got essentially 75% imprints in Std. XII board test (with Mathematics, Physics as the necessary subjects alongside Chemistry/Biology or Biotechnology) or any of the same passing test. (65% for SC-ST classification applicants) OR
- Applicant should be in top 20 percentile of individual Std. XII board.
- There is no age breaking point to show up for JEE Main.
- Applicant is qualified to show up for JEE Main in three sequential years, from the year he shows up for Std. XII. (twelfth Class) One endeavour incorporates January endeavour and April endeavour of that very year.
- Applicants who pass JEE Main, fulfilling everything qualification standards can show up for JEE Advanced. Entrance into different undergrad programs across IITs is through JEE Advanced.
- Applicant should be in top 2,50,000 up comers (counting save classification) clearing JEE Main – Paper 1.
- General classification up comer probably got essentially 75% imprints in Std. XII board test (with Mathematics, Physics as the obligatory subjects alongside Chemistry/Biology or Biotechnology) or any of the same passing test. (65% for SC-ST classification applicants) OR
- Applicant should be in top 20 percentile of particular Std. XII (twelfth Class) board.
- Competitor is qualified to show up for JEE Advanced in two successive years, from the year he shows up for Std. XII (twelfth Class).
- Competitors who join any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi, and ISM, Dhanbad through JEE won’t be allowed to show up for JEE in future.
- JEE, Main is a passage level test with a lower level of trouble. It contains two papers. The Paper 1 is, led for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, CFTIs and other esteemed foundations. It is likewise a qualification test for JEE advanced, which is, directed for admissions to IITs. The Paper 2 is, led for admission to B.Arch. also B.Planning courses.
- JEE Main Paper 1 is directed in internet based mode in subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, for the length of 3 hours.
- There are all out 90 inquiries containing 30 inquiries from each subject (20 MCQ + 10 mathematical). Out of these 90 inquiries, competitors need to endeavour any 75 question.
- Each question contains 4 mark and 1 marks are to be deducted for every wrong answer.
- No imprints will be, deducted for unattempt questions.
- It consists of 90 (75 Que. are to be attempted among these) for 300 marks.
- It is a genuine kind internet based assessment comprising of two papers of three hours length each. Both these papers are obligatory.
- Paper-1 and Paper-2 will each have three separate areas on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
- All questions will be of Objective Type, intended to test fitness, cognizance and scientific capacity of the applicants.
- Questions will be both MCQs and Numerical worth based sort. Paper design as well as number of inquiries posed is not fixed and changes consistently.
- Stamping plan is not, fixed and changes consistently.
- Negative imprints might be, granted for erroneous solutions for a portion of the inquiries.
JEE, Main schedule for Paper 1 (B.Tech) incorporates Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The schedule of Paper 2A for Architecture (B.Arch) will incorporate subjects of Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Drawing, while Paper 2B (B.Plan) will have Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Planning points.
- Arithmetic: Sets, Relations and Functions, Matrices and Determinants, Permutations and Combinations, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Binomial Theorem, Mathematical Induction, Limit, Sequences and Series, Differential Equations, Integral Calculus, Continuity and Differentiability, Three Dimensional Geometry, Co-ordinate Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Vector Algebra, Mathematical Reasoning and Trigonometry.
- Physics: Laws of Motion, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Gravitation, Rotational Motion, Physics and Measurement, Properties of Solids and Liquids, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Oscillations and Waves, Kinetic Theory of Gases. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Current Electricity, Optics, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Electronic Devices, Atoms and Nuclei, Communication Systems, and so on.
- Physical Chemistry: Some Basic ideas in Chemistry, States of Matter, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Atomic Structure, Solutions, Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry, Equilibrium, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, and so on.
- Inorganic Chemistry: General Principles and Process of Isolation of Metals, Hydrogen, p – Block Elements, s – Block Element, Co-appointment Compounds, d – and f – Block Elements, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Environmental Chemistry, and so on.
- Natural Chemistry: Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, Organic Compounds Containing Halogens, Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds, Hydrocarbons, Polymers, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen, Bio Molecules, Principles Related to Practical Chemistry, Chemistry in Everyday Life, and so on.
- APTITUDE TEST: Awareness of spots, people, Texture and items connected with Architecture and building climate, structures and materials, Visualizing 3D articles from 2D drawings, Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal), Visualizing various sides of 3D items, Analytical Reasoning.
- MATHEMATICS: Algebra, Matrices, Probability, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Vectors, Addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem.
- PHYSICS: Units and dimensions, Dimensional analysis, Least count, significant figures; Methods of measurement and error analysis Units and dimensions, Dimensional analysis, Least count, significant figures; Methods of measurement and error analysis, Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electricity & Magnetics, Optics, Modern Physics.
- PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: Concept of atoms and molecules, Dalton’s atomic theory, Mole concept, Gaseous & Liquid State, Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding, and Organic & Inorganic Chemistry is also covered.