LSAT Exam 2025- Registration Process, Fees, Eligibility, Exam Pattern & Syllabus
Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is an entrance test which is conducted for admission in best law schools in India as well as globally. It includes admission in several states such as Harvard, Columbia, Toronto etc.
LSAT is an abilities-based test intended to test the basic perusing and logical reasoning abilities that are urgent for graduating from a prestigious law school. Before you start your LSAT prep, acquaint yourself with the intricate details of the test so you can be ready for what is to come. Regardless of what you are enthusiastic about, the law contacts pretty much every feature of life—medical services, innovation, the climate, basic liberties, amusement, foreign relations, and even network protection.
LSAT—India is an extraordinary variant of the LSAT test to meet the Indian necessity to concede 12th grade understudies to the 5-year incorporated BA LLB or BBA LLB law program and graduates to the 3-year law program. This examination is conducted globally for admission in colleges situated in India as well as foreign countries. The organising authority for this test is Law School admission Council (LSAC). This test is conducted by Pearson VUE on behalf of LSAC.
If you are someone who want to be engaged with the most major problems of the day and advance the reason for justice and equity? Right now, is an ideal opportunity to find how law related education can make the way for a wide scope of vocation openings and prepare you to have a genuine effect in this evolving world.
Here, findmecollege through this article presents the structure of LSAT examination with the details such as, registration process, fees, eligibility, exam pattern and lastly the syllabus for preparation of this exam.
- Candidates need to register themselves online for the LSAT—India on the website. For registration the candidate has to first Visit the LSAT official website i.e., discoverlaw.in, then Click on the ‘Registration’ link after that he/she have to Enter Personal Details such as name, date of birth, educational qualifications and, address, Qualification details, Contact Information and then have to Choose law colleges and upload photograph in the prescribed format. (PEG/PNG/GIF & Maximum Size should be: 500 kb)
- Then Click on ‘Submit’, Press on the ‘Application Form’ link, Enter Registration Number, Password and lastly have to Remit the fee against LSAT India Application Form.
- Documents required for registration process- Candidate’s photograph (It must have a clean background, preferably white, with focus on the face) & Signature & Scanned copy of all academic certificates, Mark sheets of class X, XII, graduation and/or other equivalent exams.
- A LSAT admit card is issued to the candidate for appearing in exam who fills and submits the application form on or before the last date as prescribed.
- Registration Fees for LSAT examination is Rs. 3800.
- There is no upper age limit for LSAT.
- For 5-year integrated law course (BA-LLB)- The candidate who has completed 10+2 with required score from a recognized institution is eligible for sitting for LSAT exam. Minimum of 45% marks are requisite for General, OBC & SAP categories and a Minimum of 40% marks are requisite for SC & ST categories, in the qualifying exam.
- For 3-year law course (LLB)- The Candidate who has a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution is eligible for sitting for LSAT. Minimum of 45% marks are requisite for General, OBC & SAP categories and a Minimum of 40% marks are requisite for SC & ST categories, in the qualifying exam.
- For PG law course (LLM)- Candidate must secure 45% marks in aggregate and a candidate who is still appearing for their final exams can also sit for the LSAT exam.
- Exam to be conducted in offline/online mode.
- Duration for LSAT exam is 2 hours 20 minutes/ 140minutes.
- Exam to be conducted in English language.
- Questions come in a Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) format.
- Number of questions are approx. 92-100 for which score-band is 420-480 marks.
- The paper contains 4 sections, that are-
- Analytical Reasoning– 23 questions are based on this and 35 minutes are allotted for this section.
- Logical Reasoning- I – 23 questions are contained in this section and 35 minutes are allotted to this.
- Logical Reasoning- II– 23 questions are contained in this section and 35 minutes are allotted to this.
- Reading Comprehension– This section contains 24 questions and 35 minutes are given to attempt these questions.
- No marks are deducted for any wrong or unanswered questions.
- ANALYTICAL REASONING: This section is added to test the decision taking ability of candidates. The candidates are asked to analyse the different sets of statements and draw conclusions of their best understanding. It is to test the ability of individuals that are they capable of taking best decisions so that they can solve the legal problems with same understanding.
- LOGICAL REASONING: This section aims to test a competitor’s capacity to utilize basic deduction in assessing, investigating, and finishing contentions. Each Logical Reasoning question contains a short passage to which the candidate has to give answer after analysing it. To respond to an inquiry in this segment, one requirement to have an apt comprehension of the short section. The questions will test the applicant on a wide scope of abilities including basic reasoning; extraordinary accentuation will be put on abilities which are fundamental to lawful thinking.
- READING COMPREHENSION: The Reading Comprehension area will incorporate four arrangements of understanding questions, each having a determination of understanding material, trailed by four to nine MCQs that will test perusing and thinking capacities.
For candidates appearing in LSAT, it is extremely important to have an understanding of the exam pattern of LSAT. This article provides all the important information related to the test modalities such as mode, duration, making scheme, number of questions and others. It also provides information about the type of questions asked in the examination and skills that are tested. Candidates should be particularly mindful of the type of questions asked in LSAT.
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