IIM Rohtak- Admission 2025 Ranking, Courses, Fees, Admission
IIM Rohtak: Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak was set up in 2009 by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India by IIM Act 2017. It is positioned #28 in the NIRF 2021 rundown of top administration universities in India. The school is one of the six IIMs and has been, assigned with ‘Foundation of National Importance’ Status by the MHRD.
The establishment offers 2-year full-time private leader PGPM/MBA program. In IIM, Rohtak MBA Admission is, led in 2 phases where stage 1 waitlist is, delivered based on CAT score. Up comers, having their names on the waitlist can apply for the school. On the second and last stage, IIM it conducts Personal meeting of the shortlisted applicants. At last, a legitimacy list is, delivered based on CAT score, PI execution, orientation and scholarly variety and so forth
Outlook ICARE India MBA Ranking has positioned the IIM Rohtak at the eighth situation in 2021. The general score snatched by the foundation is 89.68. It has been, positioned as fifth best B School in Top 50 Institutes in North Zone, India. Standpoint brings up that this foundation is second best among universities set apart by viewpoint in Haryana.
It is, granted as the most inventive establishment in North India at International Education Pride Awards 2021. IIM, Rohtak got the honour for Most Promising Higher Education Institute – North India at Global India Education Forum – Excellence Awards presented in Helsinki, Finland.
In this article, findmecollege has provided the necessary details about Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak including various details such as Courses, Fees and admission process etc. down below

IIM Rohtak- Courses & Fees:
- Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGPM) – It is a 2-year post graduation programme for which 1st year fees is INR 8,35,000.
- Post Graduate Programme for Executives (PGPEx) – It is a 2-year post graduation programme for which total fees is INR 7,15,000.
- Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Management (EPGP) – It is a 2-year post graduation programme for which total fees is INR 7,15,000.
- BBA-LLB – It is a 5-year graduation programme for which 1st year fees is 6,94,000.
- Ph.D – It is a 4-year doctorate programme for which total fees is 1,30,000.
- Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) – It is a 4-year doctorate programme for which 1st year fees is INR 2,62,000.
- Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Ex-PGDM) – It is a 1-year post graduation programme for which total fees is INR 7,15,000.
IIM Rohtak: Admission Process
- IIM, Rohtak admission to every one of the courses is entrance-based. The establishment acknowledges CAT/GRE/GMAT/GATE/UGC-NET scores and furthermore directs the IPM Aptitude Test for a portion of the courses. The percentile of CAT came to up 95 in the previous years.
- Determination to the PhD program will be, done based on a legitimate score in CAT/GMAT/GRE/GATE (Operation and IT Area)/UGC-NET tests followed by an Interview.
- Competitors who do not have any of these grades need to show up in RAT, directed by IIM, Rohtak for part time FPM program.
- It additionally offers two Executive projects to be specific EPGPx and EPGDSM – a particular program in Sports Management. Competitors with UG/PG degree with half checks are qualified for these projects.
- A 5-year of work experience is obligatory for EPGPx while, having a work experience is beneficial for EPGDSM yet is not compulsory.
- EPGPx Admission depends on CAT/GMAT/GRE followed by Skype Interview.
- Candidates who do not have any of the test scores need to show up in IIMR Entrance Test. Bunch a Government Officers are, excluded from any of the entry test and are qualified for direct Interview.
- Admission to PGP at IIM, Rohtak depends on CAT score, scholarly profile, work insight and relational abilities.
IIM Rohtak: Admission Process for MBA (PGP)
To be qualified, the competitor should satisfy the accompanying standards:
A Bachelor’s level of least 3 years term, with at minimum half stamps or comparable CGPA.
The competitor should likewise have a legitimate CAT score.
Up comers anticipating their passing outcomes are likewise qualified to apply for affirmation.
The up comer should score the base required percentile in CAT to be shortlisted for PGP meet at IIM, Rohtak.
Competitors who qualify the CAT test with a legitimate score are qualified to take part in Personal Interview (PI) round for admission. Last Selection Round for Admission includes a Written Analysis Test (WAT) trailed by a Personal Interview.
IIM Rohtak: Admission Process for IPM
Applicants can apply for affirmation, assuming that they meet the accompanying measures:
Applicants ought to have scored 60% in 10+2 assessments or identical CGPA.
For the saved classification up comers (SC/ST/PwD), at least 55% imprints will be required.
The Upper age limit needed for confirmations is 20 years.
Applicants need to, initially show up for the IPM Aptitude Test (IPMAT) directed by IIM, Rohtak.
After qualifying IPMAT, applicants would be required an interview round.
IIM Rohtak: Admission Process for EPGDSM
To be qualified for EPGDSM confirmation at IIM Rohtak, candidates should satisfy the accompanying standards:
A Bachelor’s Degree or Postgraduate Degree in any discipline with a base half-total imprint or comparable CGPA.
Work Experience might be beneficial.
Shortlisted applicants in light of utilization should go through the Sports Aptitude Assessment Test online followed by a meeting. In light of each round’s presentation, the last determination will be finished.
Admission Process for EPGPx
To be qualified for admission to EPGPx at IIM, Rohtak candidates should satisfy the accompanying rules:
Bachelors or alternately Masters in any discipline with half total or an identical CGPA.
A 5 years, experience of administrative/enterprising/or other expert level is obligatory.
Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak was, set up in 2009 by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India by IIM Act 2017. This college is an individual from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International.
The late spring temporary position situation process begins in July and closures in March one year from now, where understudies get jobs and obligations as per their field of interest.
IIM, Rohtak distributes a CRISIL AUDITED arrangement report which not just concretes the realness of its position figure however shows the straightforwardness level of the organization. The Industrial Relation and Interaction Cell (IRIC) work to support the understudy and keep up with the proactive corporate relationship that functions as a connection to assemble a bigger business local area.
MBA Entrance Exams in India
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